Do You Know The Top 4 Construction Hazards?

There are a lot of companies that  work on construction sites performing a wide variety of jobs. Many smaller contractors will be on jobsites for only a couple of days such as HVAC, Plumbers, Electricians, and even firms that provide temporary fencing.  However, every time you come in to work, you are at risk of suffering an injury from several different reasons, and in several cases, it’s not your crew you have to watch out for. When jobsites become too busy, there is an increased chance of someone being careless or taking shortcuts, and that leads to someone getting hurt. Thanks to our friends at RiskAware, they have compiled the top 4 hazards resulting in injuries you will find on most jobsites. These four top hazards consist of falls, struck-by, caught-in/between and electrocutions.
Preventing accidents from these hazards is easier than you think with knowledge on your side. Here are some safety tips to keep you injury-free:
Preventing Falls
· Wear and use proper all arrest equipment.
· Install and maintain perimeter protection.
· Cover and secure all floor openings and label floor opening covers.
· Use ladders and scaffolds safely.
Preventing Struck-Bys
· Never position yourself between moving and fixed objects.
· Wear high-visibility clothes near equipment and vehicles so that others can see you clearly.
Preventing Caught-In/Between
· Never enter an unprotected trench or excavation that is five feet or deeper without an adequate protective system in place (NOTE: some trenches that are less than five feet may need a similar system as well).
· Make sure that a trench or excavation is protected either by sloping, shoring, benching or a trench shield systems.
Preventing Electrocutions
· Locate and identify utilities before starting work for the day.
· Look for overhead power lines when operating any equipment.
· Maintain a safe distance away from power lines and learn your area’s distance requirements.
· Do not operate portable electric tools unless they are grounded or double-insulated.
· Use ground-fault circuit interrupters for protection.
· Be alert to electrical hazards when working with ladders, scaffolds or other platforms.
This is only a short, but it’s a good place to start. Even though these are hazards are the most common found on construction sites,  you can be exposed to many other hazards on a daily basis. Remember, it’s ultimately up to each individual to do their part to keep themselves and everyone around them safe. Report any unsafe conditions or anyone working in manner that could injure themselves, a co-worker or even you.
If you have any questions concerning work place safety and how you can improve your employees safety, please contact the LL Roberts Group PEO Risk Management department (toll free) at 877.878.6463. You can even talk to us on Facebook!
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