LLRG’s 2nd COVID-19 Business Impact Survey Responses

As many counties have eased their initial lockdowns in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, business owners and workforce face the thorny challenge of how to conduct business in a safely manner. The health and safety of our clients and their workforces is our primary concern. There are a number of measures we are taking to ensure we manage to safely get through this fluid situation while continuing to serve our LL Roberts’ Clients and other business owners, partners, and employees effectively.
With our second confidential survey in the books, our main goal was gathering any challenges, concerns, and impact it had brought to business owners and their workforce by answering our brief questionnaire.

Subsequently, we wanted to share with our clients and other interested parties to review overall how respondents to our survey have been impacted by COVID-19. Again, these results do not provide which specific clients participated in the survey, nor do they identify any specific client regarding their individual responses given.

While our survey shows many stayed open, the coronavirus pandemic has impacted our LL Roberts’ clients and their workforce in various ways. One common denominator between all business owners is the execution of cleanliness standards, adding sanitizing supplies throughout their workplace to maintain a clean and safe environment.

Inspiring words from one of our respondents:
“I insist on believing we will all come out stronger. Yes, business is down as my clients have had to cut staff and hours. I will continue to work twice as hard!”

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