Office Safety Tips – What You Can Do To Prevent Mishaps

While they may be one of the last things on your mind at the office, there are potential safety hazards all around you. To prevent injury and promote office safety, incorporate the following precautions into your everyday routine.
Walkways Safety
· Immediately clean up spills, melting snow and rain water from your shoes when entering the building to avoid tracking in a slippery mess.
· If you notice a spill, alert maintenance staff and place a wet floor sign in the area. Remove the sign as soon as the floor is dry.
· Never run in hallways or aisles.
· Clear clutter such as wastebaskets from hallways and aisles.
· Never run a cord so that it crosses a walkway. Find an alternate way of attaching it.
· Always use handrails as you walk down stairs.
· Use the elevator if you must carry a heavy box to another floor.
· Open doors slowly to avoid hitting someone on the other side.
Workstation Safety
· When you are not using desk and file drawers, close them.
· Do not place file cabinets near doors or in high traffic areas of the office.
· Place heavy loads only on the bottom shelves of file cabinets and open one drawer at a time when retrieving items.
· Be cautious when using sharp items such as letter openers, staplers, box cutters, etc., and store them safely in drawers when not in use.
· Open drawers only with the handle to avoid getting your fingers stuck.
· Avoid paper cuts by handling documents carefully and slowly. Use a rubber thimble if you will be handling large quantities of paper.
· If you need to reach something on a tall shelf, find a stepladder. Do not stand on a chair or desk.
· Avoid eating or drinking near your computer to avoid spilling on it.
Notify HR
If you see any loose carpeting, uneven floors or missing tiles, notify HR. They can quickly address the problem so you and your co-workers do not injure yourselves unnecessarily.
Make it a Priority
If you are unsure about any safety procedure, do not hesitate to ask your supervisor.
 If you have any questions concerning office safety and how you can improve your employees work environment, please contact the LL Roberts Group PEO Risk Management department (toll free) at 877.878.6463.
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