Texas Announces End to Federal Pandemic-Related Unemployment Benefits

Monday May 17th, 2021, Texas aligned with a growing number of states that will stop paying the federally funded $300 in extra pandemic-related weekly unemployment aid during the pandemic.

The extra benefits in Texas will end June 26. Gov. Greg Abbott said in a letter to the Biden administration. He joins at least a dozen other governors who are opting out of the additional federal unemployment benefits this summer.

The move came after The Texas Association of Business (TAB) along with several businesses and chambers of commerce sent a letter to Gov. Abbott to re-examine federal unemployment benefits. In
the letter the organization stated employers increasingly cite the $300 additional weekly federal supplement payment as the biggest barrier to filling job openings.

A recent survey by the TAB, found business said they are struggling to find workers as they reopen. The association said of the 177 businesses surveyed, 70% said they had several positions currently open.

The read the full letter by Gov. Abbott, click here.

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