Texas moves into Phase 2 of getting Texans back work

Yesterday in his press conference, Gov. Greg Abbott says the next phase of the “safe and strategic” opening of Texas will resume this week, including the immediate opening of child care facilities and several other businesses while bars and breweries will come at the end of the week.

The governor said Monday that COVID-19 is obviously still present and infecting people and that it’s the goal of the state to find a way to coexist with the virus as safely as possible, and that includes continuing the safe practices many people have already adopted.

Starting May 18, gyms, non-essential manufacturing and other facilities were allowed to resume operations under 25% occupancy. The following may open up statewide as well:

  • Child Care
  • Families
  • Massage and Personal Care, Beauty Services
  • Customers
  • Youth Clubs
  • Participants
  • Gyms, Exercise Facilities
  • Patrons
  • Office-Based Employers
  • Employees
  • Manufacturers

Opening May 22 bars and a number of other businesses yet to reopen will be allowed to open their doors, provided they do not exceed 25% occupancy. The governor said restaurants that opened in the previous phase will be allowed to expand capacity from 25% to 50%. Guidance for businesses and patrons can be found below.

Abbott’s Open Texas plan even created a handbook for patrons to use before they go to a bar. Highlights of the document include self-screening guidelines, reminding people to practice good hygiene and to maintain separation from others, when feasible. Patrons are encouraged to wear a facial covering when not at their table and to carry hand sanitizer. They can be read by clicking the topic.

  • Bars | Patrons
  • Bowling, Bingo, Skating | Patrons
  • Rodeo, Equestrian Events
  • Zoos, Aquariums, Caverns | Patrons

On May 31, day and overnight youth camps, sports camps and sports leagues may resume operations. Parents are allowed to watch those events provided they observe social/physical distancing. The links can be found by clicking on the topic.

  • Day Youth Camps | Families
  • Overnight Youth Camps | Families
  • Youth Sports | Families
  • Professional Sports

Professional sports will also be allowed to resume operations on May 31, though without in-person spectators. This includes Nascar, PGA events in North Texas and across the state.
As of June 1, Abbott also said public schools in Texas have the option to provide in-person summer school, “so long as they follow social distancing practices and health protocols laid out by DSHS.” Summer school classes may begin as soon as June 1.

As we get more info we will continue to post it on our blog.

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