As we approach the upcoming elections, employers should familiarize themselves with the laws concerning their employee’s rights for time off to vote. Laws vary slightly from state-to-state, so you may need to consult with your PEO’s HR Department or Employment Law Specialist.
As an example, here are the key laws pertaining to Texas Employers (Texas Statute 276.004):
• Time Off To Vote: Registered voters are allowed up to two hours of time off to vote. The employer can designate a voting time for the employee. Though not required, employees are encouraged to notify the employer at least one day before Election Day of the intent to be absent.
• Pay: With proof of voting, the employee is to be paid for time missed while casting a ballot.
• Time Limits: Polls are open from 7am to 7pm. If an employee’s workday begins on or after 9am or ends at or before 5:00 pm, this law is not applicable to the employer.
• Consequences: Any employer who fails to comply will be guilty of a Class C misdemeanor.
So stay informed and encourage your colleagues and employees to “get out and vote!”