Obamacare Update Page

The LL Roberts Group is pleased to announce we have added a page to our website entirely devoted to providing our current and prospective clients, agents and affiliates with news, updates and opinions concerning the Affordable Healthcare Act (referenced to on this site as “Obamacare”).  Feedback that we have received from business owners since the initial passing of the Affordable Healthcare Act has almost totally been one of concern, fear, and high anxiety. Many of those we have spoken with have numerous concerns about how this will impact their businesses’ bottom-line or even their ability to survive.  While it is likely premature to worry about our ability to exist as business owners once Obamacare is kicked into full gear (January 1, 2014), however it is not unreasonable to except numerous governmental compliance and administrative challenges moving forward. 
It is our opinion that Professional Employer Organization  or a “PEO” will become increasingly attractive to small and midsized employers who are simply looking for guidance and support with the many compliance requirements in store for their businesses and workforces.  We are already seeing many companies in our industry beefing up their systems, resources, and benefit departments to properly administer the many facets of Obamacare compliance, that will not only impact their client companies’ businesses, but their workforces as well. PEOs are poised to become even greater resources in the future than they are today for business owners concerned with properly managing the countless employee administration and governmental compliance challenges confronting their businesses.
So keep this page bookmarked under your favorites and visit it often for regular updates and opinions concerning Obamacare and how it will impact your business or your clients in the months and years to come. If you have any questions on how a PEO can assist your company with the Afffordable Heathcare Act, please contact a LL Roberts Group PEO Consultant (toll free) at 877.878.6463. You can even talk to us on Facebook!
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